
Why modern? Why eggs?

If you are like us, there is little need to ask the first question.  Perhaps you are not like us, however, and it may be worthwhile to examine the "why modern?" question for just a moment.

While this is probably not the best forum in which to examine the history of architecture, let us just say that while styles come and go, and sometimes even return with a "post" or "neo" in front of their name, we personally seem attached to the idea that if something is "modern" it is rooted in the present.  That is, it is current, timely, and most importantly relevant.  Modern is something that works for us right now - and this is what it means in our title.  (Although we do of course also love Neutra, the Eames' and Corbusier - we're architects, after all.)

(Shaun Curry/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images)

The second question is a bit stickier (pun intended, although we will try to keep the egg humor to a minimum. Eggs are funny enough without unnecessary embellishment.) Why eggs?!  Breaking it down (sorry!):  eggs are simple, beautiful, and a little mysterious.  Eggs are shapely. They can be big or small.  Eggs come in mod colors:  a basket of chicken eggs might include french gray, pale brown, dark brown, olive, white....  like little oval Benjamin Moore Classics paint samples.  Except you can eat them.  And if you don't eat them (AND you have a rooster) you can watch baby chicks pop out of the eggs.  (This is the "mysterious" part....) And what is more timely, more current and more relevant than that?

E G G S   A R E   M O D E R N.


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